IMO Med-Select Network

In 2021, THIE referred 47 claims into the IMO Med-Select Network. The average lost time for these employees was 16.2 days. This means, on average, these employees got back to work 25.6 days faster than the time anticipated by the Official Disability Guidelines. IMO was able to achieve this result while reducing average overall medical cost per claim by 56% at six months post-injury.


An interview with Wise Health, a member of the IMO Med-Select Network:

Q: How long have you been a subscriber of THIE?

A: This December will mark our eleven-year anniversary with THIE.

Q: Why did you join the IMO Med-Select Network?

A: As an employer to over 1,800 health care professionals, ensuring quality customer service for our employees during their time of need is paramount. Equally important, however, is ensuring that we are getting the most bang for our buck when it comes to the health care services provided to our injured employees. The IMO Med-Select Network offered us a unique opportunity to enhance the customer service experience for our employees, get our employees back to work faster, and lower our costs for both medical payments and income benefits. Joining the Network has been a win/win outcome for us and our employees, and we are thrilled THIE provided us this opportunity.

Q: Did you notice a quicker return rate for your employees?

A: We have absolutely seen a quicker return-to-work rate for our employees since joining the IMO Med-Select Network. In the last two years, for our injured employee claims referred to the Network, the Official Disability Guideline estimated an average of 66 lost days from work for each of these claims. However, the actual average lost time for these injured employees treating in the Network was 20 days, less than one-third of the anticipated missed time. The robust care provided by the Network, coupled with the interactive process between THIE and our injured employees navigating the claims process, has improved our return-to-work rates and our employee satisfaction with the care received.

Q: Are the employees happy with the treatment provided by the network?

A: Yes, our employees are happy with the treatment and care received from the IMO Med-Select Network providers. We also take comfort in knowing that, should any concerns arise, THIE’s adjusters are immediately available to the injured employee to assist with any issues during the claims process.

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